Some Interesting Statistics
Total Kilometres Ridden 13,249.19 (Bike Computer)
Total days of riding 168 Days
Average Kilometres per day 78.86 Km
Overall Average Speed 16.74 Km per Hour
Total Days Away 224 Days
(Includes 4 days in Canberra and 14 days in Cairns)
Accommodation:- Tent 190 Days
House 25 Days
Cabin 8 Days
Donger 2 Days
Motel 1 Day
On Site Van 1 Day
(Erected Tent 157 times)
Time Spent in Each State
Victoria 23 Days
New South Wales 33 Days
Queensland 61 Days
Northern Territory 19 Days
Western Australia 67 Days
South Australia 21 Days
Costs:- Camping Fees $2148.70
Meals, etc $4844.43
Repairs $213.75
Miscellaneous $692.36
Average Daily Cost $38.35
Found Along Road $102.26
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Day 223

Date:- 23 October 2010
Distance:- 41.21 Km
Distance to Date:- 13250 Km
Start:- Torquay Foreshore Caravan Park
Finish:- Home (Leopold)
Comment:- Last night Jill and Stuart arrived in Torquay and we went across the road from the caravan park and had a nice meal of fish and chips while having a chat. We then went to another café where we all indulged in a good coffee. It was really nice catching up with Jill and Stuart.
It had started raining while we were having coffee. Jill and Stuart departed about 9.30 pm and I went back to the tent and into bed. Went to sleep listening to the rain on the tent and thinking I am going to get wet tomorrow. Awoke about 3.30 am and there was a group of people still celebrating something nearby. Back to sleep till 6 am when I got up. The fly on the tent wasn’t too wet thank goodness.
Over to the camp kitchen for breakfast, then back to the tent and packed up and on the road by 7.30 am. Rode through Torquay to Horseshoe Bend road. About a km before my next turn off a car had stopped on the side of the road and it was Pam. I stopped and we had a nice chat on the side of the road.
Back on the road again and heading for Barwon Heads via 13th beach. I had a nice tail wind (SW wind of 10 - 15 kts). Across the new bridge and I gave Stuart a ring. We had organised to meet in Barwon Heads. It so happened he was only 10 minutes behind me.
We enjoyed another coffee once in Ocean Grove, before heading down the road to Grub road then onto the Bellarine Highway. Jill had caught up to us by then and was busy taking photos. Arrived in Leopold and it was then I realized my journey was about to end. Turned into Mandlay Close up the small incline and I was home about 10.45 am.
I must thank everyone who came to welcome me home. As I said yesterday it was a happy and sad day for me. Happy that I had achieved my objective, but sad it was over. I have made a lot of new friends and I hope we continue to communicate regularly.
Tomorrow I get to Sleep in.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Day 222
Date:- 22 October 2010
Distance:- 45.58 Km
Distance to Date:- 13208 Km
Start:- Lorne Foreshore Caravan Park
Finish:- Torquay Foreshore Caravan Park
Comment:- In bed by 9.30 pm last night and had a good night. Up about 6.30 am, a slow breakfast, packed and on the road by 8.30 am.
It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining, no wind at this stage and a good road. Met a cyclist coming towards me and it was Tony who said he would more than likely be out on a training run. We both ended up at Aireys Inlet, Tony doing it a bit easier than me. We were joined at the coffee shop by Pam, Tony’s wife, and we enjoyed a coffee together.
Back on the road and a couple of hills latter I arrived in Anglesea, found the local bakery and ordered a pie, sausage roll and a drink.
While I was there I had a surprise visit from Ian C. from Geelong.
Had a relaxing half hour or so with Ian before I had to face the inevitable, the long hill out of Anglesea.
Back on the road and slowly up the hill into a head wind. A north easterly wind of about 5 - 10 kts had settled in. Even on the flat I had to work that little bit harder till I turned right for Torquay. I arrived in Torquay about 2 pm. Found the caravan park, booked in and set up.
As I was booking in Alison from the Bellarine Times rang and we organised a get together. She arrived and took a couple of photos and will organise a formal interview next week.
While I was doing my Blog in the camp kitchen my phone went off and it was Evon who paid me a surprise visit. We had coffee together before she had to return back to Geelong.
I had also received a call from Jill who welcomed me back to Geelong. Jill and Stuart are coming down tonight for tea. I am looking forward to that.
Tomorrow I will ride home. It’s a happy day in some respects, sad in another that my journey comes to an end. It has been an incredible journey and I have enjoyed every minute of it. There were a few lonely moments but they were outweighed by good times.
People have suggested I put a book together. I am not a journalist or the like. If anyone has any advice please get in touch with me.
Distance:- 45.58 Km
Distance to Date:- 13208 Km
Start:- Lorne Foreshore Caravan Park
Finish:- Torquay Foreshore Caravan Park
Comment:- In bed by 9.30 pm last night and had a good night. Up about 6.30 am, a slow breakfast, packed and on the road by 8.30 am.
It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining, no wind at this stage and a good road. Met a cyclist coming towards me and it was Tony who said he would more than likely be out on a training run. We both ended up at Aireys Inlet, Tony doing it a bit easier than me. We were joined at the coffee shop by Pam, Tony’s wife, and we enjoyed a coffee together.
Back on the road and a couple of hills latter I arrived in Anglesea, found the local bakery and ordered a pie, sausage roll and a drink.
While I was there I had a surprise visit from Ian C. from Geelong.
Had a relaxing half hour or so with Ian before I had to face the inevitable, the long hill out of Anglesea.
Back on the road and slowly up the hill into a head wind. A north easterly wind of about 5 - 10 kts had settled in. Even on the flat I had to work that little bit harder till I turned right for Torquay. I arrived in Torquay about 2 pm. Found the caravan park, booked in and set up.
As I was booking in Alison from the Bellarine Times rang and we organised a get together. She arrived and took a couple of photos and will organise a formal interview next week.
While I was doing my Blog in the camp kitchen my phone went off and it was Evon who paid me a surprise visit. We had coffee together before she had to return back to Geelong.
I had also received a call from Jill who welcomed me back to Geelong. Jill and Stuart are coming down tonight for tea. I am looking forward to that.
Tomorrow I will ride home. It’s a happy day in some respects, sad in another that my journey comes to an end. It has been an incredible journey and I have enjoyed every minute of it. There were a few lonely moments but they were outweighed by good times.
People have suggested I put a book together. I am not a journalist or the like. If anyone has any advice please get in touch with me.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Day 221
Date:- 21 October 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 13163 Km
Start:- Lorne Foreshore Caravan Park
Finish:- Lorne Foreshore Caravan Park
Comment:- Finished my diary and went to bed about 10.30 pm. Had a good night and sleeping in till 8 am.
Had breakfast in the camp kitchen. Over to the supermarket and bought a newspaper, then read the paper while enjoying the early morning sun.
I then went for a walk from the caravan park down to the swing bridge then onto the beach and walked towards the surf club. A lot of people on the beach enjoying the fine weather. Off the beach and up into the town and wandered through the various shops. Cant buy anything because what ever I buy I have to carry.
Worked my way back to the caravan park where I made lunch for myself. After lunch I had a bit of a lay down then went down town again to the Info centre. Picked up some interesting info on the Great Southern Walk.
Heading back to the park when Tony rang. We organised a get together in about 30 minutes. He arrived as planned and we sat in the camp kitchen and enjoyed a nice chat over a couple of beers.
When Tony left I made tea then gathered my gear to did my diary. I will watch a bit of telly before heading off to bed about9.30 pm.
Tomorrow I will head for Torquay.
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 13163 Km
Start:- Lorne Foreshore Caravan Park
Finish:- Lorne Foreshore Caravan Park
Comment:- Finished my diary and went to bed about 10.30 pm. Had a good night and sleeping in till 8 am.
Had breakfast in the camp kitchen. Over to the supermarket and bought a newspaper, then read the paper while enjoying the early morning sun.
I then went for a walk from the caravan park down to the swing bridge then onto the beach and walked towards the surf club. A lot of people on the beach enjoying the fine weather. Off the beach and up into the town and wandered through the various shops. Cant buy anything because what ever I buy I have to carry.
Worked my way back to the caravan park where I made lunch for myself. After lunch I had a bit of a lay down then went down town again to the Info centre. Picked up some interesting info on the Great Southern Walk.
Heading back to the park when Tony rang. We organised a get together in about 30 minutes. He arrived as planned and we sat in the camp kitchen and enjoyed a nice chat over a couple of beers.
When Tony left I made tea then gathered my gear to did my diary. I will watch a bit of telly before heading off to bed about9.30 pm.
Tomorrow I will head for Torquay.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day 220
Date:- 20 October 2010
Distance:- 48.45 Km
Distance to Date:- 13163 Km
Start:- Marengo Holiday Park
Finish:- Lorne Foreshore Caravan Park
Comment:- Last night after I had finished my diary a number of people came into the camp kitchen. They were from a Probus group from the Mornington Peninsula. We spent “Happy Hour” together, then it was tea time and I was invited to join a gentleman in his van for tea. Paul, who had lost his wife 18 months ago, was a square dance caller and teacher.
About 8.30 pm I excused myself and went to bed. I was up at 7.30 am and down to the camp kitchen to prepare my breakfast. Then packed up and on the road by 8.30 am.
A near cloudless sky, no wind but a bit cool. Rode 2 km into Apollo Bay then another 7 km to Skenes Creek. “Gee” its nice riding at the moment. Stopped and looked back along the rugged coastline it is absolutely magnificent. Stopped at Cape Patton Lookout, admired the view and took a couple of photos.
Continued on to Kennett River about 25 km out at 11 am where I had a coffee. Wye River was the next town I passed through then onto Lorne. A lot of fallen rock was strewn over the breakdown lane and a couple of earth slides from the deluge of rain the area had received in previous weeks.
There have been a lot of tourist buses on the road today, as well as caravans and motor bikes.
Arrived at the caravan park in Lorne and booked in. Met a couple of cyclists from England. They were cycling from Sydney to Perth. Put my tent up, had a shower then onto the supermarket.
My wife, Evon, and Nicole and Simone (two of my wonderful daughters) arrived. It was good to see them. We all went down to the local hotel and had tea together. We have a lot of catching up to do. Time certainly flies. It was soon time for my visitors to return home as they are all working tomorrow.
I then gathered my stuff and went to the camp kitchen to do my diary and blog.
Tomorrow will be another rest day for me as I am planning to ride home Saturday morning.
Thursday - Lorne
Friday - Ride from Lorne to Torquay
Saturday - Ride from Torquay to Home.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day 219
Date:- 19 October 2010
Distance:- 51.78 Km
Distance to Date:- 13114 Km
Start:- Lavers Hill Roadhouse Caravan Park
Finish:- Marengo Holiday Park
Comment:- Finished my diary then went to bed about 10 pm. Very comfy and had a good nights sleep. I got up about 7.30 am and made breakfast. Packed up my gear and started to load my bike when Peter and Sally came along on their bikes and we had another chat.
I finally got on the road by 9.30 am, rode through the small town of Lavers Hill to the turn off to the Great Ocean Road and headed for Apollo Bay.
Beautiful cloudy morning, no wind, no rain, and the road generally downhill. Passed through Glenaire about 13 km out. Nothing there. Stopped at the Castle Cove Lookout and took a couple of photos of the rugged coast line.
Quite a few motor bikes on the road yesterday as well as today. I presume they are all returning from Philip Island Grande Prix.
Stopped on the side of the road for my break about 25 km out at 11.30 am. Back on the road and enjoyed the nice downhill run into Apollo Bay. Decided to stop at the caravan park at Marengo and glad I did. it’s a very nice little park on the coast and a good camp kitchen.
A quick trip into the supermarket to pick up something for tea, back to the park, had a shower then into the camp kitchen to do my diary.
Tomorrow I will go to Lorne a distance of 45 km
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 218
Date:- 18 October 2010
Distance:- 34.29 Km
Distance to Date:- 13062 Km
Start:- Princetown Recreation Camp Area
Finish:- Lavers Hill Roadhouse Caravan Park
Comment:- Went for a stroll around the camp area last night before returning to my tent and cooking tea. Into bed by 8.30 pm and listened to the radio. Had another welcome phone call from Ian.
It was raining on and off through the night. Out of bed about 7.30 pm and had breakfast. By the time I was ready to pack up my tent it was dry.
The sun was shining as I left the camp ground but that soon changed and a light rain set in and this was the pattern for the rest of the day.
It was only 35 km to ride but there were a few hills to contend with and needed special attention. The road twisted and turned, the breakdown lane was strewn with rubbish, bark and sticks etc.
Today was full of positives and negatives. Sun shining, sun not shining. Running down a hill, climbing up a hill. Tail wind, head wind. Not raining, raining.
Arrived in Lavers Hill about 1.30 pm, I was wet, cold and miserable. There was an Info Centre here so I enquired about accommodation. Motel Room - too expensive, Backpackers Accommodation - Full. Caravan Park - Under water. Budget Accommodation was the go.
Took the budget room, turned the heater on full bore, had a long hot shower and slowly feeling human again. Made a cup of soup settled back and watched some telly.
I met Sally and Peter from Milwaukee at the info centre in Lavers Hill They are cycling the same route as me but in reverse. Their web site:- We met again at the roadhouse where we all had tea. We were able to share quite a bit of helpful advice. At the end of the night we wished each other well and parted company.
Back to my room and do my diary and blog.
Tomorrow I will head for Apollo Bay.
Distance:- 34.29 Km
Distance to Date:- 13062 Km
Start:- Princetown Recreation Camp Area
Finish:- Lavers Hill Roadhouse Caravan Park
Comment:- Went for a stroll around the camp area last night before returning to my tent and cooking tea. Into bed by 8.30 pm and listened to the radio. Had another welcome phone call from Ian.
It was raining on and off through the night. Out of bed about 7.30 pm and had breakfast. By the time I was ready to pack up my tent it was dry.
The sun was shining as I left the camp ground but that soon changed and a light rain set in and this was the pattern for the rest of the day.
It was only 35 km to ride but there were a few hills to contend with and needed special attention. The road twisted and turned, the breakdown lane was strewn with rubbish, bark and sticks etc.
Today was full of positives and negatives. Sun shining, sun not shining. Running down a hill, climbing up a hill. Tail wind, head wind. Not raining, raining.
Arrived in Lavers Hill about 1.30 pm, I was wet, cold and miserable. There was an Info Centre here so I enquired about accommodation. Motel Room - too expensive, Backpackers Accommodation - Full. Caravan Park - Under water. Budget Accommodation was the go.
Took the budget room, turned the heater on full bore, had a long hot shower and slowly feeling human again. Made a cup of soup settled back and watched some telly.
I met Sally and Peter from Milwaukee at the info centre in Lavers Hill They are cycling the same route as me but in reverse. Their web site:- We met again at the roadhouse where we all had tea. We were able to share quite a bit of helpful advice. At the end of the night we wished each other well and parted company.
Back to my room and do my diary and blog.
Tomorrow I will head for Apollo Bay.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Day 217
Date:- 17 October 2010
Distance:- 75.51 Km
Distance to Date:- 13028 Km
Start:- Warrnambool Holiday Park
Finish:- Princetown Recreation Reserve Camp Area
Comment:- After our nice tea last night we washed the dishes then as I was sorting through my gear Evon read a book. I sorted through my gear to send stuff I wouldn’t need home with Evon. I was able to reduce my load rather significantly.
Into bed about 10.30 pm and had a good nights sleep. I think it was 8 am when I got up and had a shower, etc. Had breakfast of bacon and tomatoes again. Then proceeded to pack the car. I am being spoilt today. Evon is going to follow me in her car to Princetown, so I have loaded my trailer and panniers into her car and I will ride my bike to Princetown.
I left the caravan park about 9.30 am and onto the Princes Highway with a little stop at McDonalds to pick up my free pancakes and coffee. Evon met me there and we waited for the showers of rain to clear. I think it was about 10.30 when I hit the road, rode for about 11 km before the turn off to The Great Ocean Road appeared. Turned right onto this road and stopped with Evon at Allansford until the rain cleared again.
When the road was heading south east I had a nice tail wind but when it ran south it was a nasty cross wind. Anyhow I pressed on regardless. The magpies were taking a keen interest in me today as well. Probably because I wasn’t pulling my trailer with the tall flag on it.
Another milestone today. 13,000 km ticked over about 4 km out of Peterborough. As I was taking my photo of the computer a number of groups of bike riders passed me. It was the Ship Wreck Coast Classic Bike race.
Met Evon in Peterborough were we had lunch at one of the eateries then we continued on down the road past the various tourist scenes like London Bridge, Loch Ard Gorge, 12 Apostles and so forth.
Arrived at my destination for the day, Princetown Recreation Reserve Camp Area were I put my tent up and stowed my gear before another shower of rain hit. Evon departed for home shortly after. I had a good hot shower and have settled in and doing my diary.
Tony Spark gave me a call this afternoon and I hope to meet up with him on my way home.
I would like to extend an invitation to anyone to join me on my ride into Geelong. My schedule is something like:-
17/10 Warrnambool to Princetown
18/10 Princetown to Lavers Hill
19/10 Lavers Hill to Apollo Bay
20/10 Apollo Bay to Lorne
21/10 Lorne (Rest Day)
22/10 Lorne to Torquay
23/10 Torquay to Leopold (Home)
Tomorrow I hope to conquer Lavers Hill
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Day 216
Date:- 16 October 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12952 Km
Start:- Warrnambool Holiday Park
Finish:- Warrnambool Holiday Park
Comment:- Well Evon arrived in Warrnambool about 6.15 pm and it was great to see her after 4 months of being on the road. All she could say was how skinny I looked. It was a tremendous reunion as I believe she suffered my absence more than anyone.
As soon as the dust had settled we went down to the local supermarket and bought a few items for tea for the next couple of nights. Back to the cabin and we enjoyed a nice wine with our tea. We then chatted for a while, watched a bit of telly then retired for the night.
Had a nice sleep in finally surfacing about 8.30 am. Evon cooked some bacon and tomatoes for breakfast and then I put a load of washing through. Hung the washing around the cabin to dry then headed into Warrnambool. Wandered around the shops for a while. Had a nice lunch at one of the local eateries then down to McDonalds for my free seniors coffee.
It was the Melbourne to Warrnambool Road Cycling Race and the riders were expected about 2.30 pm. We joined the crowd at the finish line and witnessed an exciting finish. We then drove around the fore shore of Warrnambool before returning to our cabin and another nice bottle of wine and cheese and bickies.
Evon cooked a nice roast tea while I did my diary
Tomorrow I hope to ride to Princetown about 75 km from here.
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12952 Km
Start:- Warrnambool Holiday Park
Finish:- Warrnambool Holiday Park
Comment:- Well Evon arrived in Warrnambool about 6.15 pm and it was great to see her after 4 months of being on the road. All she could say was how skinny I looked. It was a tremendous reunion as I believe she suffered my absence more than anyone.
As soon as the dust had settled we went down to the local supermarket and bought a few items for tea for the next couple of nights. Back to the cabin and we enjoyed a nice wine with our tea. We then chatted for a while, watched a bit of telly then retired for the night.
Had a nice sleep in finally surfacing about 8.30 am. Evon cooked some bacon and tomatoes for breakfast and then I put a load of washing through. Hung the washing around the cabin to dry then headed into Warrnambool. Wandered around the shops for a while. Had a nice lunch at one of the local eateries then down to McDonalds for my free seniors coffee.
It was the Melbourne to Warrnambool Road Cycling Race and the riders were expected about 2.30 pm. We joined the crowd at the finish line and witnessed an exciting finish. We then drove around the fore shore of Warrnambool before returning to our cabin and another nice bottle of wine and cheese and bickies.
Evon cooked a nice roast tea while I did my diary
Tomorrow I hope to ride to Princetown about 75 km from here.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Day 215
Date:- 15 October 2010
Distance:- 31.74 Km
Distance to Date:- 12952 Km
Start:- Catalina Caravan Park - Port Fairy
Finish:- Warrnambool Holiday Park
Comment:- After I had completed my diary and blog for the day I went to the café and ordered my tea. As I mentioned yesterday, the park owners, Lloyd and Janet, had given me a voucher to cover the cost of my tea. I thank you very much.
Enjoyed my tea while watching a bit of telly then off to bed about 8 pm. Had a good sleep only to be awoken by the sound of rain on the tent in the early hours of the morning. No sign of any water ingress. The rain stopped temporarily about 7.30 am so I got up and had breakfast in the camp kitchen. Back to the tent to pack and get ready for the road.
I hadn’t avoided the water because as I rolled up my mattress up water had seeped in somehow, maybe through the seam in the floor.
Packed up everything carefully and ready for the road.
Stopped at Reception to say goodbye to Lloyd and Janet. They then gave me a nice donation to the Asthma Foundation as their young son is an asthmatic. Again thank you for your hospitality and donation.
On the road by 9 am and although I was only riding 30 km to Warrnambool it was quite a hard ride. The road wasn’t too bad. It was the strong wind of about 25 - 30 kts from the south west that created the problem. It was blowing across the road right to left and I was having trouble keeping the bike on the road. Every car and truck effected the wind flow as well. The scattered showers of rain added to the mix.
Out of Port Fairy, through Killarney, over Tower Hill, past the Tower Hill Cemetery and onto Warrnambool. The caravan we had booked was on the Geelong side of Warrnambool. Evon is driving from Geelong and meeting me here, and we will spend the weekend together. Something I am looking forward to and I am sure she is too.
Distance:- 31.74 Km
Distance to Date:- 12952 Km
Start:- Catalina Caravan Park - Port Fairy
Finish:- Warrnambool Holiday Park
Comment:- After I had completed my diary and blog for the day I went to the café and ordered my tea. As I mentioned yesterday, the park owners, Lloyd and Janet, had given me a voucher to cover the cost of my tea. I thank you very much.
Enjoyed my tea while watching a bit of telly then off to bed about 8 pm. Had a good sleep only to be awoken by the sound of rain on the tent in the early hours of the morning. No sign of any water ingress. The rain stopped temporarily about 7.30 am so I got up and had breakfast in the camp kitchen. Back to the tent to pack and get ready for the road.
I hadn’t avoided the water because as I rolled up my mattress up water had seeped in somehow, maybe through the seam in the floor.
Packed up everything carefully and ready for the road.
Stopped at Reception to say goodbye to Lloyd and Janet. They then gave me a nice donation to the Asthma Foundation as their young son is an asthmatic. Again thank you for your hospitality and donation.
On the road by 9 am and although I was only riding 30 km to Warrnambool it was quite a hard ride. The road wasn’t too bad. It was the strong wind of about 25 - 30 kts from the south west that created the problem. It was blowing across the road right to left and I was having trouble keeping the bike on the road. Every car and truck effected the wind flow as well. The scattered showers of rain added to the mix.
Out of Port Fairy, through Killarney, over Tower Hill, past the Tower Hill Cemetery and onto Warrnambool. The caravan we had booked was on the Geelong side of Warrnambool. Evon is driving from Geelong and meeting me here, and we will spend the weekend together. Something I am looking forward to and I am sure she is too.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day 214
Date:- 14 October 2010
Distance:- 66.82 Km
Distance to Date:- 12921 Km
Start:- Pinewood Caravan Park - Heywood
Finish:- Catalina Caravan Park - Port Fairy
Comment:- Cooked tea in the cabin last night, then watched TV and then to bed about 9.30 pm. Had a strange night waking every hour or so then straight back to sleep. Had a couple of dreams the main one being - riding around Australia again only slower.
I finally surfaced about 7.30 am. Had breakfast and packed and on the road by 9 am.
Into town, then turn left and head for Port Fairy/Warrnambool. Nice sunny day with a few clouds around. A light north westerly wind of 5 - 10 kts (tail wind) topped off the elements.
Contrary to what the weather forecast said, it’s a beautiful day. Sheep and cattle grazing quietly while young lambs frolicked in the sun.
At 21 km out, at Tyandarra, was the road junction with the Princes Highway (A1). I turned left and off to Port Fairy. Had my break 35 km out at 11.15 am on the side of the road to the amusement of passing motorists who tooted as they passed.
Codrington Wind Farm came up on my right about 40 km out. Originally there were 14 turbines which could supply enough electricity to supply 1100 homes. I counted 34 wind turbines.
There was a wide breakdown lane on the highway but it was very rough. It may have been smoother riding on the vibration strip. As I got closer to Port Fairy the road became more undulating. I spotted a caravan park sign on the outskirts of Port Fairy and in I went. Booked in and set myself up on some nice green grass with a fence as a wind break.
After I had a nice shower I went into town and to my favourite café where I enjoyed a coffee and cake and read the paper. Back to the park and do my diary.
The owner of the park had given me a takeaway food voucher so I will purchase my tea with it.
Tomorrow I will have a short trip to Warrnambool (30 km)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day 213
Date:- 13 October 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12854 Km
Start:- Pinewood Caravan Park - Heywood
Finish:- Pinewood Caravan Park - Heywood
Comment:- Got to bed about 11.30 pm after drying gear and watching the Commonwealth Games on TV. Had a really good nights sleep, warm and able to stretch out.
I got up about 7.30 am and had breakfast. I then went down town to find an ATM, as the caravan park I am staying in doesn’t accept credit cards and I wasn’t carrying that sort of cash. Into the caravan office and was able to negotiate a very favourable tariff for a second night here.
Down town again and got a couple of items for lunch and tea today. Back to camp and went through the rest of my gear and found everything dry and OK.
Spent quite a bit of time cleaning and oiling my bike and trailer. Had an easy afternoon watching the Chile mine rescue and the commonwealth games and planning my return home.
Wednesday 13th October - Heywood (Rest Day)
Thursday 14th October - Port Fairy
Friday 15th October - Warrnambool
Saturday 16th October - Warrnambool (Rest Day)
Sunday 17th October - Princetown
Monday 18th October - Lavers Hill
Tuesday 19th October - Apollo Bay
Wednesday 20th October - Lorne
Thursday 21st October - Lorne (Rest Day)
Friday 22nd October - Torquay
Saturday 23rd October - Home
If all goes according to plan I should be home on Saturday 23rd October 2010.
Tomorrow I will head for Port Fairy.
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12854 Km
Start:- Pinewood Caravan Park - Heywood
Finish:- Pinewood Caravan Park - Heywood
Comment:- Got to bed about 11.30 pm after drying gear and watching the Commonwealth Games on TV. Had a really good nights sleep, warm and able to stretch out.
I got up about 7.30 am and had breakfast. I then went down town to find an ATM, as the caravan park I am staying in doesn’t accept credit cards and I wasn’t carrying that sort of cash. Into the caravan office and was able to negotiate a very favourable tariff for a second night here.
Down town again and got a couple of items for lunch and tea today. Back to camp and went through the rest of my gear and found everything dry and OK.
Spent quite a bit of time cleaning and oiling my bike and trailer. Had an easy afternoon watching the Chile mine rescue and the commonwealth games and planning my return home.
Wednesday 13th October - Heywood (Rest Day)
Thursday 14th October - Port Fairy
Friday 15th October - Warrnambool
Saturday 16th October - Warrnambool (Rest Day)
Sunday 17th October - Princetown
Monday 18th October - Lavers Hill
Tuesday 19th October - Apollo Bay
Wednesday 20th October - Lorne
Thursday 21st October - Lorne (Rest Day)
Friday 22nd October - Torquay
Saturday 23rd October - Home
If all goes according to plan I should be home on Saturday 23rd October 2010.
Tomorrow I will head for Port Fairy.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day 212
Date:- 12 October 2010
Distance:- 136.91 Km
Distance to Date:- 12854 Km
Start:- Hillview Caravan Park - Millicent
Finish:- Pineview Caravan Park - Heywood
Comment:- Last night after I completed my diary I cooked my tea, washed up then watched a bit of telly in the camp kitchen. Went to bed about 9 pm. We had a few light showers of rain overnight, but I had a dry tent to pack up. Possibly due to the warm night.
I surfaced about 5.30 am this morning, had breakfast in the camp kitchen, packed and on the road by 7 am. Out the gate of the caravan park and turn left and off to Mount Gambier. An overcast day and a very light north westerly breeze and a few spots of rain early on.
About 10 km out of Millicent light rain set in and continued all the way to Mount Gambier along with the light breeze from the north west.
Arrived in Mount Gambier about 10.30 am, rode through town then I saw it - the golden arches (MacDonald’s - Bert). In I went and bought a couple of items and read the paper. I was killing time in the hope the showers would dissipate. No such luck.
Since I was wet and cold I decided to keep going on to Dartmoor. The road was fairly flat and in reasonable condition but there was quite a bit of traffic around each way.
Crossed over the border from South Australia to Victoria about 1.15 pm (South Australian time)
Arrived at Dartmore about 3.30 pm and had a coffee at the local café. I couldn’t find a suitable place to camp as there was so much water around so decided to keep going to Heywood and take a cabin so I can dry my gear out.
The countryside is so diverse, from general farming, cropping, a lot of tree farming and then a few national parks to boot. A couple of emus flew, no ran across the road in front of me. Emus cant fly.
Arrived in Heywood about 6.45 pm and found the caravan park and settled in very nicely. Had a nice long hot shower to thaw out. Hung my wet gear out to dry (only the clothes I was wearing), the two front panniers and my backpack. Hopefully I can get my shoes dry for the morning.
Cooked tea in the well equipped kitchenette then onto my diary and blog.
Not sure what I will do tomorrow. Possibly head for Port Fairy or stay here depending on the weather.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 211
Date:- 11 October 2010
Distance:- 108.83 Km
Distance to Date:- 12717 Km
Start:- Kingston SE Caravan Park
Finish:- Hillview Caravan Park - Millicent
Comment:- Last night I had fish and chips for tea. A nice change to tinned food, etc. Finished my diary when everyone went to bed.
As I said last night I have three options available to me. I was up at 6 am this morning and checked my washing and it was dry after the warm windy night we had. Folded and packed my washing then had breakfast. Weather forecast was for north easterly wind and rather warm day. The wind will be in my favour if I head for Millicent.
I was on the road by 9.30 am and rode about 1.5 km back to the Millicent/ Mount Gambier road. A strong north easterly wind (25 - 30 kt) was blowing. The wind was generally in my favour all the way to Millicent. The road was flat and very pleasant riding.
I stopped for my break about 60 km out about 12.15 pm. The whole area I have ridden through seems to be general farming. Cropping, sheep, cattle and hay conservation. Everything looks so lush and healthy.
I arrived in Millicent about 3.45 pm and rode through town. Stopped at the Info Centre and had a coffee there. The caravan park was just a km down the road. Booked in and set myself up. Down to the supermarket (no McDonalds here) to get something for tea, then back to camp, had a shower then gathered my gear for my diary.
Tomorrow I will head for Mount Gambier and quite possibly onto Dartmoor. Weather dependent. I don’t want to get wet.
Distance:- 108.83 Km
Distance to Date:- 12717 Km
Start:- Kingston SE Caravan Park
Finish:- Hillview Caravan Park - Millicent
Comment:- Last night I had fish and chips for tea. A nice change to tinned food, etc. Finished my diary when everyone went to bed.
As I said last night I have three options available to me. I was up at 6 am this morning and checked my washing and it was dry after the warm windy night we had. Folded and packed my washing then had breakfast. Weather forecast was for north easterly wind and rather warm day. The wind will be in my favour if I head for Millicent.
I was on the road by 9.30 am and rode about 1.5 km back to the Millicent/ Mount Gambier road. A strong north easterly wind (25 - 30 kt) was blowing. The wind was generally in my favour all the way to Millicent. The road was flat and very pleasant riding.
I stopped for my break about 60 km out about 12.15 pm. The whole area I have ridden through seems to be general farming. Cropping, sheep, cattle and hay conservation. Everything looks so lush and healthy.
I arrived in Millicent about 3.45 pm and rode through town. Stopped at the Info Centre and had a coffee there. The caravan park was just a km down the road. Booked in and set myself up. Down to the supermarket (no McDonalds here) to get something for tea, then back to camp, had a shower then gathered my gear for my diary.
Tomorrow I will head for Mount Gambier and quite possibly onto Dartmoor. Weather dependent. I don’t want to get wet.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Day 210
Date:- 10 October 2010
Distance:- 121.05 Km
Distance to Date:- 12608 Km
Start:- Coorong Wilderness Lodge
Finish:- Kingston SE Caravan Park
Comment:- Last night as I was doing my diary in the café. Management decided it was time to go home. A few subtle hints like locking doors etc got my attention and I adjourned to my tent to finish my diary.
I then prepared my tea in the tent, washed up and into bed by 8.45 pm. Had a really good nights sleep. Thought about getting up about 5 am then decided I was too comfortable and 6 am sounded better.
So I was up at 6 am, a quick breakfast, packed and on my way by 7 am. It was a 3.8 km stretch of gravel road back to the highway. Very rough. I didn’t care too much last night when I came in.
It’s a beautiful morning, cloudless sky, no wind beautiful scenery and I feel on top of the world. I was soon riding through the small community of Woods Well about 18 km out.
A north easterly breeze is starting to fill in about 8.30 am. Arrived at Policeman’s Point about 9 am and enjoyed some raison toast and a pot of tea (real tea leaves). Then it was back on the road and into Salt Creek and the roadhouse where I had a coffee.
Back on the road again and a long stint of 86 km to Kingston SE. Very nice riding at the moment and in fact it was very good all the way to Kingston SE. Road was almost flat, the north easterly was assisting me and there was light to medium traffic. One truck all day. It was one of those days that anyone who rides a bike would have enjoyed. Maybe not the distance though. I would have to say it rated up there with my other good days.
Arrived in Kingston about 4.30 pm and found the caravan park. Booked in found a site, low and behold there are three other cyclists here. The husband and wife couple I met in Geraldton. They are riding back to Melbourne. A Dutch lady riding from Sydney to Perth by herself. It has been a busy night trading information, comparing notes etc.
I am not sure what I will do tomorrow. There are three options. Rest day here as I have done a load of washing. Secondly ride from here to Millicent (107 km) or thirdly ride from here to Beachport then to Mt Gambia. I will just go with the flow.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Day 209
Date:- 9 October 2010
Distance:- 86.37 Km
Distance to Date:- 12487 Km
Start:- Riversedge Caravan Park - Tailem Bend
Finish:- Coorong Wilderness Lodge
Comment:- I found it a bit hard to get moving this morning. Nice big bed, warm, etc, but finally crawled out about 7.30 am. Enjoyed a nice breakfast, wheatbix with real milk, crumpets and a good cup of tea.
Washed up, packed up and on the road by 9.15 am. Rode through the town of Tailem Bend and found the turnoff to Meningie. A light easterly breeze blowing and a partly cloudy sky. Nice road with a breakdown lane and not much traffic.
I am riding through general farming area with rolling hills and the occasional salt pans or swamps. The wind has swung around to the south west as I approached Meningie.
Arrived in Meningie about 1.15 pm. Had a bite to eat and decided to keep going towards Gemini Downs Caravan Park. I was going to stay in Meningie to night.
So back on the road again with about another 55 km to my new destination. I found it hard going as the road led south west and I had a south easterly wind of about 5 - 10 kts (a head wind). I got to McGrath Flat and there was a national park camp ground. Good I thought until I read there was 4 - 5 km of dirt road. I kept going
A sign appeared a bvit further down the road advertising The Coorong Wilderness Lodge and Caravan Park so in I went. 2 - 3 km of dirt road and I arrived at this little oasis in the Coorong. Its run by an aboriginal community and everything is near new. A lot of unfinished projects around. I feel the place has potential but not under this management.
I am doing my diary in my tent then I will prepare tea then off to bed early.
I would like to get to Kingston SE tomorrow so hopefully the wind is kinder to me.
P.S. Thank you everyone for reminding me it was my birthday yesterday. It is much appreciated.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Day 208
Date:- 8 October 2010
Distance:- 62.60 Km
Distance to Date:- 12400 Km
Start:- Palmer Rest Area
Finish:- Riversedge Caravan Park - Tailem Bend
Comment:- After doing my diary last night, I cooked tea in my tent, cleaned up and into bed by 8 pm. Listened to the radio, then off to sleep. Had a very good nights sleep.
Had a phone call from Garry and Cheryl from Perth last night. They were checking on my well being and location. I stayed with them when I was in Perth.
I was up about 7 am this morning, breakfast, packed and on the road by 8.30 am. Cloudy skies with a light south westerly wind. it’s a bit cool. Road is still undulating but not as bad as yesterday.
General farming area, cropping, grazing, etc. Again old stone houses dot the country side.
About 40 km out I copped a light shower which didn’t last long. I have been watching dark clouds around me all morning.
Arrived in Murray Bridge about 11.30 am and went to the Info centre looking for any information which may be handy for me. Armed with a hand full of maps I found an eatery, ordered a light meal then perused my new collection of maps.
Back on the road and down Bridge Street (Main Street of Murray Bridge) and onto the old Princes Highway which lead me onto the Princes Highway and on the way to Tailem Bend.
Arrived at the caravan park which is about 3 km west of Tailem Bend. Decided to spoil myself and take an On Site Van. I can spread out. A very comfy van with double bed, real bath towels, jug, toaster, microwave, the list goes on. Its my birthday today so why not be a little extravagant.
Tomorrow I will head for Meningie about 60 km from here.
Distance:- 62.60 Km
Distance to Date:- 12400 Km
Start:- Palmer Rest Area
Finish:- Riversedge Caravan Park - Tailem Bend
Comment:- After doing my diary last night, I cooked tea in my tent, cleaned up and into bed by 8 pm. Listened to the radio, then off to sleep. Had a very good nights sleep.
Had a phone call from Garry and Cheryl from Perth last night. They were checking on my well being and location. I stayed with them when I was in Perth.
I was up about 7 am this morning, breakfast, packed and on the road by 8.30 am. Cloudy skies with a light south westerly wind. it’s a bit cool. Road is still undulating but not as bad as yesterday.
General farming area, cropping, grazing, etc. Again old stone houses dot the country side.
About 40 km out I copped a light shower which didn’t last long. I have been watching dark clouds around me all morning.
Arrived in Murray Bridge about 11.30 am and went to the Info centre looking for any information which may be handy for me. Armed with a hand full of maps I found an eatery, ordered a light meal then perused my new collection of maps.
Back on the road and down Bridge Street (Main Street of Murray Bridge) and onto the old Princes Highway which lead me onto the Princes Highway and on the way to Tailem Bend.
Arrived at the caravan park which is about 3 km west of Tailem Bend. Decided to spoil myself and take an On Site Van. I can spread out. A very comfy van with double bed, real bath towels, jug, toaster, microwave, the list goes on. Its my birthday today so why not be a little extravagant.
Tomorrow I will head for Meningie about 60 km from here.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Day 207
Date:- 7 October 2010
Distance:- 55.31 Km
Distance to Date:- 12338 Km
Start:- Gawler Caravan Park
Finish:- Palmer Rest Area
Comment:- In bed by 9.30 pm last night but it was a very noisy caravan park. Managed to get a reasonable sleep. I was up at 7 am (seems a more civilized time). Had breakfast, packed a chat to a couple who gave me a nice little donation, then on the road by 9 am.
Headed out towards Lyndoch. When I reached Sandy Creek I turned right for Williamstown which was 10 km down the road.
It has been a another near cloudless day with a light south westerly breeze which picked up by late morning to about 10 - 15 kts.
Arrived at Williamstown about 11.15 am and had a cuppa and a pie at the local bakery. Back on the road again and just out of town a nice gradual hill for about 3 km. At the top was a sign which said “Warren Hill, Congratulations you have made it to the summit at 428 m” It got special treatment.
The road then meandered through the Warren Reservoir Reserve. I stopped at the Mount Crawford Forest Information Centre where I had a toilet break and a snack.
Back on the road again and soon came to another intersection. I took the Mount Pleasant road and rode the 12 km to Mount Pleasant. I did think of staying at the caravan park there until I saw all the horses. They were having a kids gymkhana and as I am allergic to horses it wasn’t the place for me.
I found the turn off for Murray Bridge and off we went. I have decided to stop overnight at Palmer.
I have done a lot of walking today. Its been a long day. The road has been climbing since Gawler. The Northern Adelaide Hills being the reason. It wasn’t till about 5 km from Palmer I experienced a wonderful downhill run into Palmer.
There was a nice big rest area just before Palmer so I chose to camp there the night. Tent up then wandered down town. Nothing but the pub was open. Went in and had a lemon squash and filled a couple of water bottles and return to camp where I will do my diary and blog.
As you are probably aware I was going to Strathalbyn, but Murray Bridge, Tailem Bend seems more direct. I will probably get to Tailem Bend tomorrow.
Distance:- 55.31 Km
Distance to Date:- 12338 Km
Start:- Gawler Caravan Park
Finish:- Palmer Rest Area
Comment:- In bed by 9.30 pm last night but it was a very noisy caravan park. Managed to get a reasonable sleep. I was up at 7 am (seems a more civilized time). Had breakfast, packed a chat to a couple who gave me a nice little donation, then on the road by 9 am.
Headed out towards Lyndoch. When I reached Sandy Creek I turned right for Williamstown which was 10 km down the road.
It has been a another near cloudless day with a light south westerly breeze which picked up by late morning to about 10 - 15 kts.
Arrived at Williamstown about 11.15 am and had a cuppa and a pie at the local bakery. Back on the road again and just out of town a nice gradual hill for about 3 km. At the top was a sign which said “Warren Hill, Congratulations you have made it to the summit at 428 m” It got special treatment.
The road then meandered through the Warren Reservoir Reserve. I stopped at the Mount Crawford Forest Information Centre where I had a toilet break and a snack.
Back on the road again and soon came to another intersection. I took the Mount Pleasant road and rode the 12 km to Mount Pleasant. I did think of staying at the caravan park there until I saw all the horses. They were having a kids gymkhana and as I am allergic to horses it wasn’t the place for me.
I found the turn off for Murray Bridge and off we went. I have decided to stop overnight at Palmer.
I have done a lot of walking today. Its been a long day. The road has been climbing since Gawler. The Northern Adelaide Hills being the reason. It wasn’t till about 5 km from Palmer I experienced a wonderful downhill run into Palmer.
There was a nice big rest area just before Palmer so I chose to camp there the night. Tent up then wandered down town. Nothing but the pub was open. Went in and had a lemon squash and filled a couple of water bottles and return to camp where I will do my diary and blog.
As you are probably aware I was going to Strathalbyn, but Murray Bridge, Tailem Bend seems more direct. I will probably get to Tailem Bend tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Day 206
Date:- 6 October 2010
Distance:- 83.57 Km
Distance to Date:- 12282 Km
Start:- Port Wakefield Caravan Park
Finish:- Gawler Caravan Park
Comment:- I was in bed by 8.30 pm last night. Had a good sleep. I was a bit lazy this morning and didn’t get up till 7 am. Had breakfast, packed up and on the road by8.30 am.
I have decided to head down the A1 (Princes Highway) to Two Wells then turn off to Gawler.
About 2 km out of Port Wakefield the highway changed to a 4 lane highway all the way to Adelaide. I had a 2 metre wide Breakdown lane for most of my trip to Two Wells
A little cloud around early on and a light North westerly breeze which increased as the day progressed and scattered showers were forecast for latter in the day.
Stopped at the small town of Dublin about 36 km out for a cup of tea and a bowl of chips and gravy. Very nice. Back on the road and it wasn’t long before I arrived at Two Wells. Had another cuppa there before I set sail for Gawler.
The wind up to this stage was blowing right to left across the road. When I turned to go to Gawler It was on my right back and you could feel it pushing me along.
Had a tremendous run into Gawler arriving about 1.45 pm. Walked up the main street. Into OPSM to have the arms on my glasses tightened, then found the Information Office and got a bit of local advice on heading south. The caravan park wasn’t far from the Info place and camp was soon established.
I then went to the supermarket to get a couple of things for tea and the next couple of days. Back to camp to do my diary, cook tea and then to bed.
My right knee wasn’t too bad today. Just a slight tinge. I must have jarred it or something. I expect it will be back to normal after another nights rest.
Tomorrow I will head south towards Strathalbyn, stopping somewhere in between tomorrow night.
Distance:- 83.57 Km
Distance to Date:- 12282 Km
Start:- Port Wakefield Caravan Park
Finish:- Gawler Caravan Park
Comment:- I was in bed by 8.30 pm last night. Had a good sleep. I was a bit lazy this morning and didn’t get up till 7 am. Had breakfast, packed up and on the road by8.30 am.
I have decided to head down the A1 (Princes Highway) to Two Wells then turn off to Gawler.
About 2 km out of Port Wakefield the highway changed to a 4 lane highway all the way to Adelaide. I had a 2 metre wide Breakdown lane for most of my trip to Two Wells
A little cloud around early on and a light North westerly breeze which increased as the day progressed and scattered showers were forecast for latter in the day.
Stopped at the small town of Dublin about 36 km out for a cup of tea and a bowl of chips and gravy. Very nice. Back on the road and it wasn’t long before I arrived at Two Wells. Had another cuppa there before I set sail for Gawler.
The wind up to this stage was blowing right to left across the road. When I turned to go to Gawler It was on my right back and you could feel it pushing me along.
Had a tremendous run into Gawler arriving about 1.45 pm. Walked up the main street. Into OPSM to have the arms on my glasses tightened, then found the Information Office and got a bit of local advice on heading south. The caravan park wasn’t far from the Info place and camp was soon established.
I then went to the supermarket to get a couple of things for tea and the next couple of days. Back to camp to do my diary, cook tea and then to bed.
My right knee wasn’t too bad today. Just a slight tinge. I must have jarred it or something. I expect it will be back to normal after another nights rest.
Tomorrow I will head south towards Strathalbyn, stopping somewhere in between tomorrow night.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Day 205
Date:- 5 October 2010
Distance:- 77.17 Km
Distance to Date:- 12199 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Wakefield Caravan Park
Comment:- Had tea in the camp kitchen while watching the Commonwealth Games on TV. Retired to the tent about 9.15 pm.
The day has come when I start riding again. I was up at 6 am and over to the amenities to shave and shower. I then had breakfast in the camp kitchen, back to the tent and pack up.
I was on the road by 8 am. It was a cloudless sky and no wind. A light fog which lifted fairly quickly. Rode through the town and turned right and going to Bute (31 km)
About 15 km out I looked at the hills to my left and there are wind turbines for as far as the eye can see. Not much production as there was no wind.
Arrived at Bute 32 km out about 10.30 am. Had a coffee and meat pie. Back on the road and heading for Kulparra. I am on nice quiet country roads at the moment. A lot of cropping through this area - wheat, oats, barley, lucerne and some canola. Arrived at Kulparra and onto the road to Port Wakefield.
Stopped at a Look Out just out of Kulparra which over looked the country side and ocean. On a clear day it would make a tremendous photo. I rode out from the lookout and enjoyed a 2 km downhill run (Sign said 5% gradient) Then a gentle undulating road to my destination.
I arrived in Port Wakefield about 4 pm and stopped at the various roadhouses looking for a good map of the area. I have decided to go around Adelaide which means I will be using a few back roads.
Basically I hope to ride from Port Wakefield to Gawler, then to Murray Bridge, Tailem Bend then down to the Coorong.
May have better luck at the Info Office in Gawler.
Found the caravan park and went through the usual procedures. That is book in, tent up, shower then down the street. Had tea at one of the local eateries, back to the park and do my diary and blog. I started to write my diary at one of the outdoor settings, but soon relocated to my tent. The mossies had found me and they were going beserk.
My health? I still feel a little chestie but not too bad. I am a little concerned about my right knee which is a bit sore. I don’t know why. Hopefully a rest overnight and all will be OK
Tomorrow, as I said, I hope to get to Gawler.
Distance:- 77.17 Km
Distance to Date:- 12199 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Wakefield Caravan Park
Comment:- Had tea in the camp kitchen while watching the Commonwealth Games on TV. Retired to the tent about 9.15 pm.
The day has come when I start riding again. I was up at 6 am and over to the amenities to shave and shower. I then had breakfast in the camp kitchen, back to the tent and pack up.
I was on the road by 8 am. It was a cloudless sky and no wind. A light fog which lifted fairly quickly. Rode through the town and turned right and going to Bute (31 km)
About 15 km out I looked at the hills to my left and there are wind turbines for as far as the eye can see. Not much production as there was no wind.
Arrived at Bute 32 km out about 10.30 am. Had a coffee and meat pie. Back on the road and heading for Kulparra. I am on nice quiet country roads at the moment. A lot of cropping through this area - wheat, oats, barley, lucerne and some canola. Arrived at Kulparra and onto the road to Port Wakefield.
Stopped at a Look Out just out of Kulparra which over looked the country side and ocean. On a clear day it would make a tremendous photo. I rode out from the lookout and enjoyed a 2 km downhill run (Sign said 5% gradient) Then a gentle undulating road to my destination.
I arrived in Port Wakefield about 4 pm and stopped at the various roadhouses looking for a good map of the area. I have decided to go around Adelaide which means I will be using a few back roads.
Basically I hope to ride from Port Wakefield to Gawler, then to Murray Bridge, Tailem Bend then down to the Coorong.
May have better luck at the Info Office in Gawler.
Found the caravan park and went through the usual procedures. That is book in, tent up, shower then down the street. Had tea at one of the local eateries, back to the park and do my diary and blog. I started to write my diary at one of the outdoor settings, but soon relocated to my tent. The mossies had found me and they were going beserk.
My health? I still feel a little chestie but not too bad. I am a little concerned about my right knee which is a bit sore. I don’t know why. Hopefully a rest overnight and all will be OK
Tomorrow, as I said, I hope to get to Gawler.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Day 204
Date:- 4 October 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12122 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Comment:- Cooked and had tea about 7.30 pm last night, watched a bit of TV then off to bed about 8.45 pm. I am feeling pretty good now. Ready to get back on the road and heading for home.
I have been warned the traffic would be horrific on Monday as everyone will be returning home after a long weekend. I will heed their advice and go to morrow.
Awoke about 7.30 am this morning and got up about 8.30 am after listening to the radio and feeling quite lazy. Wandered over to the camp kitchen and had breakfast. Chatted to a few people who were packing up and returning to Adelaide after their long weekend. Read a bit more of my borrowed book before returning it to the person who lent it to me.
I then wandered down the street and had lunch at one of the many cafes open for business. Back to camp and checked my bike and trailer over ready for tomorrow. Had a phone call from Ian from Geelong.
Wandered around the caravan park and got chatting to the owner of a Cole 23 (Trailer Sailer) He put the boat in the water this morning and found the area wasn’t really suitable for yachts. He had hit a channel marker scrapping right down the port side of the boat.
Had a quick phone call from Tony Spark who was checking on what I was up to. He spoke very highly of the World Cycling Championships in Geelong. Everything was great. The weather, the spectators and of course the competitors.
Gathered my gear to do my diary and Blog and over to the camp kitchen to work in comfort.
Tomorrow I will head for Port Wakefield a distance of 80 km.
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12122 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Comment:- Cooked and had tea about 7.30 pm last night, watched a bit of TV then off to bed about 8.45 pm. I am feeling pretty good now. Ready to get back on the road and heading for home.
I have been warned the traffic would be horrific on Monday as everyone will be returning home after a long weekend. I will heed their advice and go to morrow.
Awoke about 7.30 am this morning and got up about 8.30 am after listening to the radio and feeling quite lazy. Wandered over to the camp kitchen and had breakfast. Chatted to a few people who were packing up and returning to Adelaide after their long weekend. Read a bit more of my borrowed book before returning it to the person who lent it to me.
I then wandered down the street and had lunch at one of the many cafes open for business. Back to camp and checked my bike and trailer over ready for tomorrow. Had a phone call from Ian from Geelong.
Wandered around the caravan park and got chatting to the owner of a Cole 23 (Trailer Sailer) He put the boat in the water this morning and found the area wasn’t really suitable for yachts. He had hit a channel marker scrapping right down the port side of the boat.
Had a quick phone call from Tony Spark who was checking on what I was up to. He spoke very highly of the World Cycling Championships in Geelong. Everything was great. The weather, the spectators and of course the competitors.
Gathered my gear to do my diary and Blog and over to the camp kitchen to work in comfort.
Tomorrow I will head for Port Wakefield a distance of 80 km.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Day 203
Date:- 3 October 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12122 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Comment:- I was in bed by 8.30 pm last night and listened to the radio before going to sleep. Feeling a lot better now and I was thinking of getting back on the road tomorrow.
Daylight saving came into effect over night and I was up at 8 am and over for a shower. I then had a slow breakfast, then joined the queue of free loaders for the free pancakes offered by the caravan staff.
I went back to my tent and laid down and started reading a book someone had lent me. The autobiography of R.M.Williams. I got absorbed in the book and before I knew it was lunch time (1 pm). Made myself a couple of sandwiches and a cuppa.
I then wandered down to the water front to watch the model yachts again. They are really authentic. All the rules of racing apply, port and starboard, buoy room, etc. The boats can run and reach as well as tack and you don’t get wet. The competition was quite fierce.
Treated myself to another coffee and cake before returning to the caravan park and do my diary and blog.
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12122 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Comment:- I was in bed by 8.30 pm last night and listened to the radio before going to sleep. Feeling a lot better now and I was thinking of getting back on the road tomorrow.
Daylight saving came into effect over night and I was up at 8 am and over for a shower. I then had a slow breakfast, then joined the queue of free loaders for the free pancakes offered by the caravan staff.
I went back to my tent and laid down and started reading a book someone had lent me. The autobiography of R.M.Williams. I got absorbed in the book and before I knew it was lunch time (1 pm). Made myself a couple of sandwiches and a cuppa.
I then wandered down to the water front to watch the model yachts again. They are really authentic. All the rules of racing apply, port and starboard, buoy room, etc. The boats can run and reach as well as tack and you don’t get wet. The competition was quite fierce.
Treated myself to another coffee and cake before returning to the caravan park and do my diary and blog.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Day 202
Date:- 2 October 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12122 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Comment:- After completing my diary last night, Evon rang and we talked for a considerable time. I then cooked tea, watched some TV before heading off to bed.
Had a very good nights sleep finally surfacing about 8 am. Had a shower then breakfast in the camp kitchen. I spent the morning reading various magazines and chatting to my next door neighbours.
About 1 pm I wandered down the street and onto the jetty where the remote controlled yachts where racing. Quite interesting and very realistic. Maybe my next hobby. I then went up the street to the local R.S.L. club to watch the start of the Grand Final between Collingwood and Saint Kilda. Watch the first quarter before wandering off and enjoyed a coffee and cake at a local café.
I then made my way back to the caravan park and watched the third quarter on the TV in the camp kitchen. The result was going to be a fore gone conclusion. Back to my tent to read a bit more when my next door neighbour, John offered me some home brew. It went down very well.
They went into town for tea and I gathered my gear to do my diary and blog and off to the camp kitchen.
No real plans for tomorrow other than enjoying the free pan cakes on offer here then down to see the model yachts again.
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12122 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Comment:- After completing my diary last night, Evon rang and we talked for a considerable time. I then cooked tea, watched some TV before heading off to bed.
Had a very good nights sleep finally surfacing about 8 am. Had a shower then breakfast in the camp kitchen. I spent the morning reading various magazines and chatting to my next door neighbours.
About 1 pm I wandered down the street and onto the jetty where the remote controlled yachts where racing. Quite interesting and very realistic. Maybe my next hobby. I then went up the street to the local R.S.L. club to watch the start of the Grand Final between Collingwood and Saint Kilda. Watch the first quarter before wandering off and enjoyed a coffee and cake at a local café.
I then made my way back to the caravan park and watched the third quarter on the TV in the camp kitchen. The result was going to be a fore gone conclusion. Back to my tent to read a bit more when my next door neighbour, John offered me some home brew. It went down very well.
They went into town for tea and I gathered my gear to do my diary and blog and off to the camp kitchen.
No real plans for tomorrow other than enjoying the free pan cakes on offer here then down to see the model yachts again.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Day 201
Date:- 1 October 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12122 Km
Start:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Broughton Caravan Park
Comment:- Last night I prepared tea in the well equipped camp kitchen. I then watched a bit of TV before Gerd arrived back here with his son, Garry. We chatted for a while before I got my long awaited phone call from Evon.
The three girls, Evon, Roz and Mundi, had a great time in China and I am looking forward to hearing all about the trip when I get home.
Had a phone call from Pam from Geelong enquiring about my wellbeing. I am really grateful for your concerns and advice.
Garry had departed while I was on the phone and Gerd was in his van, so on my return to my tent I had another chat with Gerd before retiring to bed about 10.30 pm. Gerd is heading back home in the morning.
Had a good nights sleep, crawling out of bed about 7 am, in time to thank Gerd for all his help and wish him a safe trip home. Had a very nice hot shower then settled in to have a nice breakfast. Cleaned up my tent. Received a phone call from Ian from Geelong who was also concerned about my health.
I then grabbed my camera and went for a walk along the foreshore up to the jetty. There are a number of shelters and BBQ along the fore shore and kiddies playgrounds. Out along the jetty where there were a number of people fishing.
I didn’t realize how big this town was. Two hotels, Supermarket, Hardware store, Chemist, Bakery, Butchers and numerous coffee shops.
Bruce from Clifton Springs rang and we had a bit of a chat. Will get together on my return to Geelong.
Back to the caravan park and made my lunch. Read a couple of magazines before going back to the tent, laying down and dozing off to sleep for a few hours. Made myself a coffee about 4 pm and sat on one of the many seats outside enjoying the wonderful sunshine.
I am feeling quite a bit better although there is still some congestion on my chest and a couple of aching joints. Certainly a lot better than a couple of days ago.
I am now doing my diary and Blog before I cook tea etc. Tomorrow there is a model boat regatta which I am looking forward to seeing, other than that another quiet day.
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