Date:- 12 October 2010
Distance:- 136.91 Km
Distance to Date:- 12854 Km
Start:- Hillview Caravan Park - Millicent
Finish:- Pineview Caravan Park - Heywood
Comment:- Last night after I completed my diary I cooked my tea, washed up then watched a bit of telly in the camp kitchen. Went to bed about 9 pm. We had a few light showers of rain overnight, but I had a dry tent to pack up. Possibly due to the warm night.
I surfaced about 5.30 am this morning, had breakfast in the camp kitchen, packed and on the road by 7 am. Out the gate of the caravan park and turn left and off to Mount Gambier. An overcast day and a very light north westerly breeze and a few spots of rain early on.
About 10 km out of Millicent light rain set in and continued all the way to Mount Gambier along with the light breeze from the north west.
Arrived in Mount Gambier about 10.30 am, rode through town then I saw it - the golden arches (MacDonald’s - Bert). In I went and bought a couple of items and read the paper. I was killing time in the hope the showers would dissipate. No such luck.
Since I was wet and cold I decided to keep going on to Dartmoor. The road was fairly flat and in reasonable condition but there was quite a bit of traffic around each way.
Crossed over the border from South Australia to Victoria about 1.15 pm (South Australian time)
Arrived at Dartmore about 3.30 pm and had a coffee at the local café. I couldn’t find a suitable place to camp as there was so much water around so decided to keep going to Heywood and take a cabin so I can dry my gear out.
The countryside is so diverse, from general farming, cropping, a lot of tree farming and then a few national parks to boot. A couple of emus flew, no ran across the road in front of me. Emus cant fly.
Arrived in Heywood about 6.45 pm and found the caravan park and settled in very nicely. Had a nice long hot shower to thaw out. Hung my wet gear out to dry (only the clothes I was wearing), the two front panniers and my backpack. Hopefully I can get my shoes dry for the morning.
Cooked tea in the well equipped kitchenette then onto my diary and blog.
Not sure what I will do tomorrow. Possibly head for Port Fairy or stay here depending on the weather.
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