Date:- 1 August 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 7920.70 Km
Start:- Stanley Rest Area
Finish:- Sandfire Roadhouse Caravan Park
Comment:- After our chat together last night we retired to our respective camps for the night. As I expected the wind blew all night. I got up twice through the night to repeg the tent. I only got about two hours sleep all night. I could hear thunder in the distance, then a few spots of rain. I hurriedly packed up and transferred everything to the shelter. A good move as shortly after it started raining reasonably heavy.
Not knowing what to do next, whether to stay at the rest area, start riding with the intention of getting at least 50 - 60 km down the road and camping on the side of the road because there was no way I was going to make Sandfire in the day.
It was Margo who suggested giving me a lift by car to Sandfire to which I eagerly accepted. We threw all my belongings into the back of their van and away we went arriving in Sandfire about 8.30pm. I thanked my new found friends and booked into the caravan park and proceeded to sort out my gear. Sent an SMS to Evon via Public Phone as there is no mobile coverage. Shaved and showered and feeling quite proud of myself.
Washed one set of riding gear and all my plates and cooking utensils, then onto my diary which I am doing out of the wind in the Café.
Tomorrow I hope to ride to Pardoo Roadhouse, a distance of 124 km, and if this wind stays in the east I should have a good tail wind.
P.S. The wind blew all day and a couple of the locals were saying it was up over 50 -60 knots at times.
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