Date:- 30 August 2010
Distance:- 55.03 Km
Distance to Date:- 10039 Km
Start:- Koombana Bay Caravan Park - Bunbury
Finish:- Kirup Caravan Park
Comment:- In bed by 8.30 pm last night and awoke, at one stage, to the sound of rain on the tent. Back to sleep hoping it would clear by the morning. Awoke again and thought it was time to get up. No, it was only 3.30 am. I had a restless night. Finally I got up at 6.30 am.
Gathered my breakfast gear and went to the camp kitchen. Still raining lightly. After I had breakfast I slowly packed up everything except the tent. I had decided to stay here if the rain had set in.
It looked like it was clearing so packed up the tent and set off up the broad about 9.15 am. I worked my way over to the South Western Highway and on my way to Albany.
I turned over 10,000 km today on the bike about 16 km out of Bunbury about 10.30 am.
I rode through the little town of Boyanup, 20 km out from Bunbury, then on to Donnybrook where I had a lunch. Stopped at the Info. Centre for some information of towns ahead and had a cup of tea there.
Riding through an orchard area at one stage and there were road side stalls and cheap fruit. There are also wineries and a couple of marron (fish) farms.
The road has been fairly good but there have been a number of hills which slowed my progress. Decided to stop at Kirup for the night. A couple of showers have passed through since I have been here.
Hope to get to Bridgetown or further tomorrow.
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