Date:- 22 April 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 1880.9 Km
Start:- Coffs Harbour
Finish:- Coffs Harbour
Comment:- REST DAY. Had a bit of a sleep in this morning. Out of bed by 7.30am and had to wait for the camp kitchen to be opened.. I was not aware it was to be opened about 8am.
After breakfast I checked over the bike and trailer. 1 broken bidon cage on the trailer so I made temporary repairs. I also swapped the tyres around on the bike. The rear tyre seems to wear more than the front tyre. I have nearly done 2000 km on them and I reckon I will need new tyres by the time I get to Cairns. Gave the bike a wipe down and oiled the chain, etc
Folded most of my washing, a couple of articles were still damp. Put the sleeping bag out to air and did a general tidy up. Spoke to a few people around the park, then decided to go for a walk.
Out the front gate and up a couple of blocks I spotted a Bicycle shop. I was hoping to buy a new bidon cage but at $26 each they can stay there. Across the road was a big shopping complex. I spent a couple of hours just wandering around. I couldn’t buy anything because I would have to carry it on the bike. Every conceivable shop was there from Target, Big W, Aldi, down to hairdressers and locksmiths. Had lunch there, then to Woolworths to get tea and other supplies, then back to camp.
Gathered rest of my washing and packed them accordingly the did some research on Sodium Bicarbonate. Someone suggested it was a performance enhancing chemical. Put a teaspoon full in your water bottle and it enhances your performance. Anyone got any advice?
Down to the little Coffee shop here at the park and had the nicest mug of Latte I have had for a while. They are also open for breakfast which I hadn’t realized, so I may have breakfast there in the morning.
The rest of the afternoon spent just lazing around giving the body a chance to recharge. Bought a microwave meal for tea along with a small can of fruit a nice cup of tea and I should have an early night.
I will be aiming to get to Grafton or a rest area before, tomorrow night. At this stage I am about 3 days ahead of schedule.
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