Date:- 10 May 2010
Distance:- 68.42 Km
Distance to Date:- 3013.10 Km
Start:- Yaamba Rest Area
Finish:- Marlborough Caravan Park
Comment:- After I had done my diary for the day I met a couple of men who were travelling the same direction as me. A man on a motor bike who left Adelaide the same time I left Geelong. He is travelling right around Australia and has given himself 3 months. The second man Rohan is from Tasmania. He is travelling the east coast up to Cairns or Port Douglas and his partner is meeting him there.
The kookaburras were a source of entertainment last night. There was a post with two bright street lights attached and the lights attracted the moths. Well the 3 or 4 kookaburras sat in a tree about 10 metres away, eyed off their prey and swooped on it landing in another tree about the same distance the other side. By the end of the night there were not too many moths left and I think the kookaburras were quite content.
On the subject of birds, while I was in Gin Gin, I walked into town, and there was a heavy shower of rain. I sheltered under a veranda, and while waiting for the rain to pass, I watched as a Galah (bird) land on the high tension line in the rain and quickly inverted himself so the rain was washing his belly. It wasn’t long before there were about 10 or so galahs doing the same thing. It was very unusual.
A rude wakening this morning with a crop duster aeroplane spraying a crop close to were we staying. He started about 5.30am. It was perfect conditions for him. I was up at 6am this morning, had breakfast, packed up and ready to hit the road but a number of people were in for a chat and I finally got away by 9am. It was a nice day to start and it got better. Sun was shining and it was a pleasant cool morning as I progressed further north it became overcast so I had a very pleasant ride.
The gentleman on the motorbike caught up with me about 15 km out from Yaamba, a quick chat and he was on his way, and about another 10 km down the road Rohan passed me and checked on my well being. Thanks fellas’
My bike started to feel a bit funny so I stopped and checked the tyres and found the rear tyre was quite soft. Pumped it up and away we go. Alls good, tyre stayed up for the rest of the trip.
Stopped at Kunwarara Day Stop Rest Area for my snack break about 37 km out of Yaamba about 11.30am.
Another mile stone or should I say kilometre stone was reached today. 3000 km registered on my bike computer. That’s as much as I was doing in a year and I have done it in less than two months.
Arrived in Marlborough about 2pm found the caravan park, booked in and set up. The park is virtually empty. Had a nice long hot shower before relaxing and doing my diary.
Waverley Rest Area maybe my destination tomorrow.
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