Date:- 30 June 2010
Distance:- 39.75 Km
Distance to Date:- 5387.8 Km
Start:- Wonarah Bore Rest Area (4)
Finish:- Barkly Homestead
Comment:- Up at 7am and had breakfast. Ken, a gentleman I had met several Rest Areas back, had the kettle boiling and made me a nice cup of coffee in a china mug. Very nice.
Packed up and on the road by 8am. A bit overcast today but a nice SE breeze of 5 - 10 knots again (tail wind), a good road and light traffic.
About 15km out from the Rest Area a sign indicated a “Grid”. I don’t like cattle grids but this one turned out to be white lines marked on the road. The original Grid must have been filled in and sealed over. I don’t mind those sort.
Stopped for my break about 9.15am about 20km out, and again as I was enjoying my break a Campervan stopped to check on my well being. IO ensure them I was Ok and they went merrily on their way.
A straight run into the Barkly Homestead where I arrived about 10.30am. Booked in, set up camp and immediately went for a shave and shower. Something I had been looking forward to. Hung the sleeping bed out to air and put a load of washing in.
Now that I am back in touch with the world I will update my Blog. Rest Day Tomorrow.