Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 108

Date:- 30 June 2010
Distance:- 39.75 Km
Distance to Date:- 5387.8 Km
Start:- Wonarah Bore Rest Area (4)
Finish:- Barkly Homestead
Comment:- Up at 7am and had breakfast. Ken, a gentleman I had met several Rest Areas back, had the kettle boiling and made me a nice cup of coffee in a china mug. Very nice.

Packed up and on the road by 8am. A bit overcast today but a nice SE breeze of 5 - 10 knots again (tail wind), a good road and light traffic.

About 15km out from the Rest Area a sign indicated a “Grid”. I don’t like cattle grids but this one turned out to be white lines marked on the road. The original Grid must have been filled in and sealed over. I don’t mind those sort.

Stopped for my break about 9.15am about 20km out, and again as I was enjoying my break a Campervan stopped to check on my well being. IO ensure them I was Ok and they went merrily on their way.

A straight run into the Barkly Homestead where I arrived about 10.30am. Booked in, set up camp and immediately went for a shave and shower. Something I had been looking forward to. Hung the sleeping bed out to air and put a load of washing in.

Now that I am back in touch with the world I will update my Blog. Rest Day Tomorrow.


  1. Geoff Sounds like you have made many friends along the way. Hope you have the names addresses to catchup when you eventually get home? Of all the things to not pack, a spoke nut, thought you would have considered at least one of those!! Anyway good to hear your travelling really well and you certainly should have good weather more many days ahead of you. Be glad its not cold like we are down here with quite a bit of rain. Keep those Pedals turning
    Stuart and Jill

  2. Good to get a fix with you back online today Geoff. Were the four young girls who stopped for you (day 107) Swedish...don't hold back on us??

    Safe travels, Don.

  3. Onya Geoff after reading in Geelong Addy that you would be close to where we planned to be end of June.
    Tomorrow Friday we leave Karumba for Gregory Downs then Cloncurry or Camooweal depending on best road to take.
    So not too far away hoping to come accross you somewhere further west. Take care tony [cyclist eprobbos]
