Date:- 14 July 2010
Distance:- 89.81 Km
Distance to Date:- 6500.20 Km
Start:- Victoria River Road House Caravan Park
Finish:- Timber Creek Caravan Park
Comment:- Last night I had tea in the café and sat outside till about 8.30pm. Still very warm. In bed and listened to the radio for a while.
I had a reasonable sleep last night, up at 6.15am, packed and had breakfast and on the road by 7.30am. Road was winding through the hills with the sun behind me, it was highlighting all the rocky outcrops. Very stunning.
Had a kangaroo hop over the road in front of me and I didn’t hit it. In fact there were quite a few roos grazing along the side of the road. Rode past Joes Creek Rest Area, didn’t go in because it is 2 km off the road.
A nice south east breeze started to come in about 9.30am as the road still winds through the hills (The Stokes Ranges). Stopped on the side of the road in some shade and had my break
Rode past the Kuwang Lookout, didn’t go in as it was closed for maintenance. From there it was a very pleasant downhill run into Timber Creek.
Arrived in Timber Creek about 1.15pm, booked in, set up then wandered around the small township. Bought a couple of oranges and tomorrow nights tea.
Tomorrow I hope to ride to East Baines River Rest Area (67Km) and if I feel ok and time is on my side I will keep going to Saddle Creek (117Km).
Be a little careful when in Broome