Date:- 26 July 2010
Distance:- 141.76 Km
Distance to Date:- 7611.0 Km
Start:- Ellendale Rest Area
Finish:- Willare Bridge Roadhouse Caravan Park
Comment:- Last night I cooked tea about 5.30pm, washed up and in bed by 6.15pm. Not to bad a night for sleeping. Got up about 5am and on the road by 6.15am.
A road construction workers camp was just over the hill from the rest area and from 5am onwards a procession of equipment headed out for a days work. About 6km from the rest area the road works I have been hearing about started. Traffic was directed onto a gravel detour road for about 8km. A little bumpy but not too bad. Two cars and a truck threw up a bit of dust otherwise I had it all to myself.
A beautiful sunny morning with a very light breeze. I had my break about 45km out at 8.45am. I have been making good time.
Crossing the Erskine Range shortly after my break. That knocked my average a bit.
Stopped at the Boab Tree Rest Area about 68 km from Ellendale Rest Area about 11.15am. I no sooner parked my bike when a woman came up to me and offered to fill my water bottles. I said yes, she then offered me a couple of slices of buttered raison bread and a lovely ice cold coke. She and her husband were travelling the top end and don’t have to be home till next Easter.
Because it was only 11.30am I decided to continue on to Willare Bridge another 55km. I reached the Broome/Derby turnoff about 2.30pm, turned left on the Great Northern Highway and 13 km to my destination.
Coming into Willare Bridge was like an oasis in a desert. Green grass everywhere, shade, a very welcoming place. Booked in And was pleasantly surprised at the fees so immediately booked another day.
Wheeled my bike into the park and straight away was offered a cup of tea by another kind lady. It was that nice I had another before setting off to put my tent up. Gathered all my washing and put in in a machine. The washing machines were free here. Had a shower and shave and ready to relax.
Had a very nice meal in the café, rang Evon then did my diary, now I am ready for bed. Looking forward to the Rest Day tomorrow.
Hi Geoff your recall of the days events and happenings is impressive when writing your diary,you are bringing a lot of joy to many people.How are you able to listen to the radio when you are in remote areas?Do you have a special receiver?