Date:- 27 April 2010
Distance:- 68.42 Km
Distance to Date:- 2229.4 Km
Start:- Sleepy Hollow Rest Area
Finish:- Broadwater Tourist Park
Comment:- In bed by 7.30pm last night. It was a bit cool and something wanted to bite me. The best place was bed
Had a phone call from Ian Cations last night. It was nice to hear another familiar voice.
Up at 6am after another good nights sleep. It must be the fresh air or maybe all the exercise. There were 4 cars parked here this morning so I did have company.
Before I went to bed last night 2 car loads of young people turned up. They got out of the cars, put a CD on and started to dance. Zorba the Greek and similar dances. It was refreshing watching the young ones enjoying themselves, no alcohol, no bad language. After about an hour they got in their cars and left.
On the road by 9am and the first sign I saw was for the next rest areas, Chinderan at 21 km and Coomera at 76 Km. There are bridges over the highway for the wildlife to cross the road without having to dodge traffic and coming off second best. I think there are 4 of these bridges in the area.
Travelling towards Tweed Heads I saw a sign which read Brisbane Turn left. I turned left and ended up on the M1 motorway. After about 5km a sign appeared saying pedestrians, animals, cyclists and a couple of other items were prohibited from travelling on the M1. I took the next exit which lead to Tweed Heads. A little detour but not too bad.
I headed for the beach area expecting to find some bike paths which there were. So I followed these north along the beach but occasionally had to get back on the road to go over a bridge, or go round a building or two. On the map I had it showed a caravan park close by at Biggera Waters. Found the park, booked in, complained about the $35 for an unpowered tent site but I wasn’t about to go any further. Tent up, showered and shaved and doing my diary.
Tomorrow will be a difficult day. As bikes are not allowed on the M1, I will have to weave my way to Brisbane on bike paths and service roads and maybe some ignorance. Could be interesting. I would like to get right through Brisbane tomorrow then have a rest day.
Ouch - $35 for a camp site certainly stings. A lot to pay for a hot shower and a few other facilities over wild camping. Good luck with getting past Brisbane.