Date:- 24 May 2010
Distance:- 77.27 Km
Distance to Date:- 3872.6 Km
Start:- Palm Tree Caravan Park - Ingham
Finish:- Bilyana Rest Area
Comment:- In bed by 9.30pm last night and had a really good nights sleep. Awoke about 5am but didn’t crawl out of bed till 6am. It was still dark. Days are getting shorter. Had breakfast, packed and on the road by 5 to 8.
Rode the 3 km into Ingham, then through the town and heading for Cardwell. It looked awfully dark up ahead in the Cardwell Ranges. It was a good road overcast weather and light traffic. A lot of sugar cane is grown north of Ingham right up to the foot of the ranges.
Another cyclist overtook me this morning but looked like he was too busy to stop and chat. I sometimes wonder about these people at times.
Just around the next corner the climb over the Cardwell Ranges started. (See Picture). Very light misty rain as I ascended . A Lookout at the top of the climb was spectacular I was told. Unfortunately it was covered in low cloud or fog. Descended the hill quite comfortable and back on the flat road again
The road ahead was very wet so I was lucky to have missed that shower as well. Had my snack break about 10am about 27 km out of Ingham, then onto Cardwell.
Arrived at Cardwell about 12.15pm, stopped and had a decent meal - roast beef and vegies and a cup of tea.
My destination for tonight was the Bilyana Rest Area about 20 km north of Cardwell. I arrived there about 2.30pm. Chose a site and set up camp. My next door neighbours Les and Mary from the previous night were there and offered me a most welcome cup of coffee. Then I did my diary for the day
Not sure what I will do tomorrow, maybe stay here another night.
bloody great effort ya doin geoff,keep it up!!!!