Date:- 26 September 2010
Distance:- 73.15 Km
Distance to Date:- 12042 Km
Start:- West Yatala Rest Area
Finish:- Nundroo Caravan Park
Comment:- After I had completed my diary I laid down in my tent and listened to a riveting broadcast of the last half of the Grand Final in Victoria. It was a draw so both teams have to line up again next week.
I then went for a walk around the rest area for about hour before cooking and enjoying my tea. There was a tank of water at the rest area so I had no problem washing up, etc.
Very heavy cloud cover came in from the south about 5 pm. I thought we were in for a couple of heavy showers. No rain was forth coming.
Crawled into bed about 7.45 pm, had a couple of Pannadol for my sore throat, listened to the radio before dropping off to a good nights sleep.
Up to a light foggy morning about 6.30 pm. Had breakfast, packed and away by 7.30 am. Nice little 3 km gentle hill climb first up, then the road was gently undulating from then on.
Its just delightful riding early this morning. A hint of fog in the valleys, crisp morning and no wind to speak of. Everything is good.
Pulled into Yalata Roadhouse about 9 am. Has been all boarded up. There was some activity in the caravan park so I think that is still operational.
Turned over 12,000 kms today, only 2,000 km left to get home and with my rough calculations I should be home by October 28th.
Took my break on the side of the road about 10.30 am, then back on the road to Nundroo.
I seem to be entering more intensive pastoral country with fencing and cleared areas visible on both sides of the road. Another 10 km down the road crops were visible and everything looks very healthy.
About 5 km from Nundroo a crow was going berserk and swopping at me so I assume there was a nest nearby. I have never know crows to be that protective.
Arrived at Nundroo Caravan Park and booked in. Fairly Spartan type of place but the showers and toilets were clean and working.
Over to the restaurant to find a table and chairs so I can sit in comfort and do my diary. Tried to SMS my daughters but the pubic phone wont accept my phone cards.
Tomorrow I will go to Penong a distance of 76 km
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