Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 187

Date:- 17 September 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 11424 Km
Start:- Cocklebiddy Caravan Park
Finish:- Cocklebiddy Caravan Park
Comment:- Woke up about 5.30 am this morning and it was still drizzling so I have decided to stay here and review the situation about lunchtime. We are experiencing scattered showers and a moderate south easterly wind.

Lunch time was really no different so I will take the whole day off and hope the weather is more kind tomorrow.

Went for a walk around the property in between showers, sat in the café doing sudoku puzzles and rechecking my route for the next few days. it’s a miserable sort of a day.

Late in the afternoon a bus pulled up at Cocklebiddy and it was Sarah Mycroft and her entourage. Sarah is going to be the first female to run around Australia continuously starting from Sydney. She has decked out the bus for living quarters and co-opts the help of young foreign tourists in the various support vehicles and to look after her two young children. I chatted with Sarah for a while before she set off for a rest area about 40 km out.

Tomorrow I will head for Madura a distance of 91 km.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Geoff, we are enjoying reading about crossing the nullabor. it rained for us as well. Our grandson Oscar is now 18 weeks old.
    We are sure you will be home well and truly before December. Your travel log is very interesting and easy to read. Perhaps a best seller book will be next.
    Cheers Judy and Geoff
