Date:- 29 September 2010
Distance:- 0 Km
Distance to Date:- 12122 Km
Start:- Penong Caravan Park
Finish:- Port Augusta Caravan Park.
Comment:- Well have I got a story to tell now. After tea last night I was charging my various batteries while watching TV in the camp kitchen, a large van pull up and reversed into the shed where I was. He had obviously stayed here before. It was a gentleman by the name of Gerd. Once he got set up he joined me watching TV and chatting. I told him I had a touch of the flu and that I wasn’t feeling 100% and I asked him if he would give me a lift to Ceduna and he said yes and if I desired he could take me to Port Augusta. I said I would sleep on it.
Well I had a very rough night, hardly sleeping a wink, aching all over, hot and sweaty, etc. I was up at 6.30 am packed up all my gear and transferred it across to where Gerd’s van was. Loaded everything in quite comfortably and were on our way by 8 am as planned. It was very nice sitting in a comfy seat watching the road go by. We were in Ceduna before we knew it and I had decided I had a better prospect of medical treatment in Port Augusta.
Our first stop was Wirrulla General Store for morning tea and toilet break. Then it was onto Kimba where we made a quick lunch break. Then onto Port Augusta and to the local hospital where I was given a simple examination, was given ventolin in a mask and the nurses had made an appointment with the local doctor.
It was then off to see the doctor who gave me a more thorough examination and diagnosed severe bronchitis for which he wrote a script for some antibiotics and told to rest up for a few days. Down to the chemist to pick up my script.
If it wasn’t for Gerds insistence I probably would be still in Penong. I owe a deep debt of gratitude to Gerd who not only transporting me and my gear to Port Augusta but transported me around to the hospital, the doctors, the chemist and finally to our caravan park. Thank you sincerely Gerd.
Tomorrow he is off to Port Broughton and has offered to transport me there. It maybe a little less expensive than where I am now but we will assess the situation in the morning.
I would like to think I am deferring my riding this route to a latter date, that is from Penong to Port Augusta.
My gratitude goes to Gerd also, extremely thankful xx And to you dad, you should have called us ASAP!!! =P
ReplyDeleteNicole x
Health first Geoff, joining all the dots around Australia second. Enjoy a couple of days off as per doctors orders and ensure you get some decent relaxation.